Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Faces of America

    While watching Faces of America, I learned many eye-opening things. It truly is amazing to see how much history is in your families background and how only few people are aware of all of their families past. Watching this movie makes you realize that everyone has some sort of immigrant or ethnic surprise in their family. Figuring out all of the details of how your family came into the world can also be very sad because you learn that previous members of your family sometimes risked their lives in order for the next generation to have a better one. Pretty much every single character that was being interviewed in this show learned something important about where they came from and perhaps maybe would have never known if this show did not take place. Knowing about how you came into the world only makes you more thankful because it makes you understand all of the hardships it sometimes took. 

    Being a "nation of immigrants" means to me that everyone has different backgrounds and it shows that the world is pretty much a melting pot. Many people left their home towns just so they could make not only their own lives better, but the lives of the new members of their family to come better. Though many times the journeys many immigrants made were very dangerous and expensive, they knew in the long run that it would be better for the generations to come. If America did not have immigrants, then everything would be completely different. Because we have immigrants, it makes us able to see how people every where in the world are and how coming to America sometimes changes them. 

    Sadly I do not feel closely aware to the connection of my ancestors. Though after watching the Faces of America it has made me more interested to learn about my families past. I have heard a few things about my ancestors here and there from my family but not enough to fully understand how it all got started. It really is crazy to think about all of the different ethnicity that is in your family background. 



  1. I found it very interesting that we had a lot of the same ideas! twinzies! Cool picture (also had that!)

  2. Lauren I liked how you wrote your opinions on the Face of America vs. facts from the video, because that's what a blog is for!

  3. Good job on analyzing both the video and how America is a nation of immigrants. It allows you to really realize what "America" is made out of.

  4. "Ethnic surprise" is a great phrase. :)
    I enjoyed your especially thoughtful reflection on this topic.
